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CX Spark™: Understanding Your Organization’s Customer Experience Journey


Yasmeen Burns

Date Published

Jan 10, 2024
3 minute read

In the federal government, the importance of customer experience (CX) has risen significantly, especially following the President’s CX-focused Executive Order in 2021. This expanding priority is now receiving heightened attention from federal leaders across agencies. However, it’s essential to recognize that customer experience is not a one-size-fits-all approach; instead, it’s a dynamic discipline that evolves alongside the unique needs and experiences of your customers.

As a result, customer experience has its own set of constantly changing buzzwords and there isn’t a single, best approach to tackling CX challenges. However, before commencing any new initiative aimed at enhancing customer experience (CX), there is one critical aspect that every leader should prioritize: gaining a comprehensive understanding of their customer landscape and assessing where their organization stands in anticipating the needs of their customers.

CX Spark™, The Clearing’s customer experience assessment, is an effective, dynamic tool to help leaders develop that view. This web-based assessment evaluates your organization’s current level of CX maturity to understand how well it is meeting your customers’ needs by focusing on five critical focus areas.

Customer Experience Assessment


With the insights gained from CX Spark™, you will be equipped to take immediate action to enhance your agency’s customer experiences, boosting customer trust, value, and loyalty while also enhancing employee experience.

While gaining a deeper understanding of your customer experience landscape is always valuable, there are specific instances when it becomes particularly crucial.

Below are a few examples of how taking CX Spark™ may prove beneficial to your organization: 

  • Participating in Strategic Planning Exercises or New Initiative Building
  • Modernizing Technology and Service Delivery
  • Increasing Customer and Employee Satisfaction Scores
  • Improving Customer Churn & Satisfaction
  • Ensuring Regulatory Compliance


If any of the mentioned aspects relate to your organization, or if you have inquiries about the potential impact of customer experience on your mission, feel free to reach out anytime. Our team of CX experts is here to listen and assist in guiding your organization toward achieving customer success.