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New Tools for Your Professional Toolbox


Tara Carcillo

Date Published

Jun 25, 2024
4 minute read

Having the right tool for the job is a true difference-maker. At The Clearing, our teams use several proprietary tools to help drive successful client engagements and reinforce change strategies. We’ve made these digitized tools available for general use – download and add them to your professional toolbox. From our Team Charter Template to our Virtual Meetings Facilitation Guide, each is designed to help leaders maximize team performance and meet your organization’s mission.

Team Agreement Framework

We often employ a Team Agreement Framework, commonly known as a “Team Charter,” to ensure teams or working groups are aligned at the start of a project, development sprint, or another team engagement. A well-crafted and mutually agreed upon charter helps to establish a shared understanding among team members, enhances communication, fosters accountability, and promotes teamwork. Our easy-to-populate Team Agreement Framework is available for download here.

Virtual Meetings Facilitation Toolkit

The shift to a hybrid and virtual environment has transformed nearly every aspect of business operations. One persistent challenge is establishing a “new normal” for meeting cultures. What should a leader do to plan and facilitate a virtual meeting effectively? Download The Clearing’s Virtual Meetings Facilitation Toolkit. This comprehensive resource is filled with insights from our team of professional meeting designers and facilitators, ensuring your virtual and hybrid meetings are productive and engaging.

Customer Personas

Establishing a relationship with your customers has never been more critical, and creating customer personas is a great place to start. Once you’ve built your persona(s), leverage them to understand the larger customer journey better and make necessary and targeted changes to support customer needs. You can download the personas template here.

CX Spark™

The importance of customer experience (CX) in the federal government has risen significantly, especially following the President’s CX-focused Executive Order in 2021. CX Spark™, The Clearing’s web-based customer experience assessment, evaluates your organization’s current level of CX maturity to understand how well it meets your customers’ needs by focusing on five critical focus areas. You can take the assessment here.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one more tool: The Clearing’s team of dynamic consultants, advisors, and subject matter experts. They’re ready to help you achieve your goals no matter the challenge. They’re also always ready to connect – reach out whenever you’re ready to launch or reset a plan for addressing change across your organization.