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A Day in the Life of Andrea Reyes


A Day in the Life
of Andrea Reyes

Senior Consultant
4 Years

What attracted you to TC?

When I first learned about TC, I appreciated that people were nice, friendly, and seemed to really care for each other. For example, I noticed everyone greeted each other very pleasantly at the office. People appeared to collaborate well and talk so passionately about their work and clients. I was immediately drawn to the culture.

What keeps you at TC?

The things that initially attracted me to TC are why I stick around today. I care for everyone I work with, both colleagues and clients alike. We all really care about each other on a deep level, appreciate each other’s work, and make each other better people.

What is your typical TC day like?

Like many of my colleagues, I work on a few projects at a time, so my day can vary quite a bit from one to the next. Most of my work involves change management, communications (mainly workplace transformations), and leadership development.

For my workplace clients, a lot of my work consists of meetings with client’s leadership and/or move coordination teams to help their staff have a smooth transition. This includes advising on change management tactics, communicating out updates/progress, and engaging with staff impacted by the moves. Part of the communication piece includes developing products for the client to distribute out to staff (e.g., how-to guides, Welcome Packets) — working closely with our graphics department to ensure a clean and neat product is delivered to the client. Engagement activities include developing and designing meetings such as Town Halls, Move Briefings, Open Houses, technology adaptation training, etc.

In my leadership development work, my clients seek out ways to advance their leadership capabilities and help overcome the challenges they face in their day to day. A lot of my work consists of meeting with my clients to identify their needs, priorities, and challenges and designing sessions around those conversations. We repeat this same process as we go through the project to ensure we are aligning with their needs and meeting them where they are.

In what ways have you grown since being at TC?

Reflecting on my tenure at TC, I’m so proud of the person I’ve become and all that I’ve accomplished. I’m now a trusted advisor to my clients and a much more confident person all around through the projects I’ve been given the opportunity to work on and the people I’ve had the privilege to work with. I have wonderful colleagues who I can lean on for support—who are there for me when I need help or advice, and challenge me to be a better person.

I have amazing clients who not only care about investing in their own growth through our work at TC, but also of their colleagues and staff around them. Moreover, I feel that I found my passion in consulting—supporting the growth of my clients and helping them overcome their challenges. I wouldn’t be who I am today without TC and our amazing community.

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