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How To Successfully Introduce New Technology in the Workplace

Date Published

May 14, 2024
5 minute read
New Technology

The introduction of new technology into an organization can be divisive. What is heralded as innovative or necessary by one group may be viewed as burdensome or unnecessary by another. Our workplace team understands the potential workplace technology pitfalls and how leaders can avoid them. Read on for their ideas and insights.

Create a Great “Day One” Tech Experience

Introducing new technology into your organization is often a mixed bag of successes and challenges. While we’ve witnessed smooth implementations, we’ve also encountered instances where implementation didn’t go as planned. As employees, we understand that new technology is brought into the workplace with good intentions; however, it doesn’t necessarily alleviate the frustrations of having to frequently change passwords or learn to navigate unfamiliar video conferencing systems.

In my experience, the dissatisfaction often starts with a need for more awareness. When people are not made aware that a change is coming, they’re more likely to question why – specifically asking “Why is this change even necessary?”

It is critical to alert staff as early as possible that new technology is on its way into the workplace – including providing information, exposure, and input into the process. Seeking input and educating staff on new technology is not the same as crowdsourcing a tech solution. More often than not, new technology has been vetted and approved by a robust IT selection process. Instead, you are easing the transition through education – in effect, beginning the process to ensure a great “day one” with new technology.

New Technology

Why A Smart Introduction Plan Matters

Just as there is a primary driver of dissatisfaction when introducing technology in the workplace – lack of awareness – there is a primary risk if an organization does not have a smooth rollout: low adoption. For an organization that has made a significant investment in a new technology product or platform, low adoption – and the likely time-consuming process of then having to convince disillusioned staff to use it – is a bitter pill to swallow. That’s why it pays to follow sound workplace change management principles and get it right on day one.

All of that said, there will always be people unhappy with new technology no matter how well-planned the introduction may be. That’s why when we partner with clients on change management around technology introduction, we focus on the little things to make adoption easier.

Here are a few ideas that tend to work well:

  • Find fun ways to communicate about the launch (e.g., digital signage, “coming soon” videos)
  • Create simple user guides with visuals and post them in a prominent place next to the technology
  • Offer ongoing or on-demand training to give late adopters additional opportunities
  • Ensure support is available 24/7 to help employees in real-time
  • Offer rewards for adoption – gift cards, catered lunches, or specific items you have found motivate your workforce

New Technology

How Leaders Can Foster Adoption

As a leader guiding an organization through technology adoption, the number one thing you can do is follow a key change management principle: communicate, communicate, communicate. For example:

  • Be Clear on the “why:” Transparency around the reason for the change is the first step in driving buy-in
  • Highlight the Benefits: Share the enterprise-wide benefits with the organization and consider the benefits from your team’s perspective
  • Schedule & Timeline: Publish a schedule of technology demonstrations that work for all schedules and time zones
  • Resources: Communicate the resources available to help staff through the change, including the employee POC, for example, IT support

Deploy these tactics – or find the right workplace change management partner to help you – and you’ll increase the odds for a successful technology introduction and quick adoption. As always, our team of workplace change management experts is here to answer questions, brainstorm, or guide you through the process. Reach out anytime – we are always available to assist.