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What to Consider For Your Next Workplace Move

Date Published

Apr 12, 2023
4 minute read
Workplace Move

Before committing to a workplace move, leaders must determine a clear why for the move. Because whether you are considering moving your organization from one floor to another, across town, or across the country, be ready to make your case. Is it to cut down on expenses? For better access to talent? To accommodate company growth?

All good reasons, but all potentially expensive and disruptive. Being clear on the why will help you stand up to the scrutiny this type of decision invites – be it from staff members or board members.

So, before others start asking questions, here are a few to ask yourself. This list isn’t exhaustive; however, it’s a great place to start.

  • What’s your budget? The first question and the one that dictates the rest. Having a clear budget will allow you to set expectations with stakeholders at all levels.
  • Buy, lease, or build? This is the question most dictated by budget. In short, what is the level of commitment your organization wants to make? Lease is the least committed, build is the most extreme, and buy is in the middle. When you are presented with this decision, there is a whole other question set to consider. Here are just a few.

Workplace Move

  • How will it impact workplace culture? Think about your organization’s culture. Will the move reinforce the positive and help eliminate what’s below the line? What in your current space or location is inhibiting your desired culture and how will a move change that?
  • Does the proposed move support your mission? Think about what your organization does and ensure the new space or location furthers that. For example, if you are in a non-collaborative organization, you don’t need a space that is set up for a lot of collaboration. If you are in defense, you have a secure location.
  • Will not moving disrupt the work? Can your organization continue meeting obligations in its current space or location? Do you have enough room for a growing workforce? Are you currently paying for more space than you need, limiting what you can spend on mission-supporting resources?
  • How will employees get there? What are the commuting and transportation options for employees? For example, if most of your employees rely on public transportation and you move to the middle of nowhere to save cost, expect to have some unhappy team members and a raft of resignations.

Thinking about your own workplace move?

Our team of experts can help ensure you ask the right questions for your organization, effectively communicate your plans, and build organizational support for the transition. Reach out anytime.