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Search Results for: Customer experience

5 minute read
Robyn Klem • 08.08.2024
At The Clearing, customer experience (CX) is embedded into every aspect of our daily work from connecting with clients and understanding their needs to the delivery and continuous feedback cycles we intentionally build into our engagements.
Customer Experience
5 minute read
Learn how our team of CX experts helped the OCIO in steering their CX strategy towards success, enhancing the employee experience, and fostering a culture of growth.
Customer Experience
7 minute read
Clifton Johnson • 05.09.2024
At The Clearing, we help leaders and their teams reach their maximum potential and accomplish organizational goals by using a strengths-based approach. Part of that requires identifying the inherent talents within a team and using those as the foundation to . . .
3 minute read
Yasmeen Burns • 01.10.2024
CX Spark™, The Clearing’s customer experience assessment evaluates your organization’s current level of CX maturity to understand how well it is meeting your customers’ needs by focusing on five critical focus areas.
Customer Experience
5 minute read
Dozie Nwaneri • 11.14.2023
We define the most common CX buzzwords so you can stay a step ahead of the customer experience game.
Customer Experience
10 minute read
Yasmeen Burns and Robyn Klem share their assessment of the opportunities facing modern federal leaders around customer experience.
Customer Experience
7 minute read
Kelly Barlow • 03.29.2023
We all know the old adage: change is hard. In large organizations, change becomes even harder. Change affects every person differently, making it difficult for leaders to predict how a proposed organizational transformation may be received. While cataloging every individual’s . . .
10 minute read
Organizations are awash in customer data, but gathering and understanding that data is another matter. Data experts Aaron Heath and Bruna Krupek spend their days helping our clients understand what their customers are telling them. Today, we’ll talk to them . . .
Customer Experience Strategy
8 minute read
Tara Carcillo • 03.07.2023
The Clearing thrives on helping leaders solve the most challenging issues facing our world today. With shifting workforce desires, changing technology demands, and a need to balance both, The Clearing CEO Tara Carcillo offers her thoughts on what 2023 holds . . .
Culture Customer Experience
7 minute read
Sonya Patel • 02.14.2023
Our consultants saw demand for Organizational Capability (OC) support increase over the course of 2022. With many workplaces still in a state of transition we expect that demand to continue as we move through 2023. Today, we’ll take a look . . .
Leadership Strategy
5 minute read
“Transient” Leadership Defined Transient leadership is a temporary, impermanent leadership change that often shifts the focus of entire divisions or departments. We can characterize it by thinking of it in this way: [Leaders] People come into a role, stay anywhere . . .
Leadership Culture
8 minute read
Robyn Klem • 12.09.2022
Experiential Design 101 Experiential design can be many things to many people.  For me, it’s more about what experiential design does and how it makes you feel instead of what it is. I consider experiential design an emotion that is . . .
Customer Experience
6 minute read
Daniela Aburto • 11.02.2022
Accessible Design Accessible design is systems that are made from the perspective that they should function for everyone, regardless of any physical or mental limitations. It’s a principle that should be considered when designing almost anything – whether that’s physical . . .
Customer Experience
5 minute read
Nathan Toronto PhD • 10.28.2022
Imagine you stepped in to lead an organization, only to find yourself dealing with unhappy customers in a pain-point filled customer experience on one side and senior management mandating major change management to how you do business on the other. . . .
Customer Experience
8 minute read
Hans Manzke • 10.24.2022
Several of our colleagues recently revealed the most-asked questions they receive about our work at The Clearing. So far, we’ve covered FAQs around Customer Experience (CX), Hybrid Workplaces, Shared Services, and Workplace Culture. Today, we’ll focus on Organizational Capability (OC) . . .
Leadership Strategy
4 minute read
The Clearing’s own Nathan Toronto and Kat Rocha had the privilege of attending the 930gov Conference, the longest-running, multi-sponsored conference and trade show for government IT professionals in the Washington, D.C., area. This conference served as an opportunity for public . . .
Customer Experience
8 minute read
Solution Area FAQs: Customer Experience Several of our colleagues recently revealed the most-asked questions they receive about the work we do here at The Clearing. So far, we’ve covered FAQs around Hybrid Workplaces and Workplace Culture. Today, we’ll focus on . . .
Customer Experience
7 minute read
You’ve probably heard the phrase “shared services” at least once recently. But if you’re like most of us, you may appreciate a little insight on what shared services are, and how it can help organizations operate more efficiently and save . . .
Customer Experience
11 minute read
Data can be intimidating. But with the right story, it can make all the difference to gaining stakeholder buy-in for your proposed organizational transformation. Two Clearing consultants, Sonya Patel and Nathan Toronto, help organizations optimize their structure around their goals. . . .
9 minute read
Kelly Barlow • 08.03.2022
My colleague and fellow consultant Andrea Bachinski recently introduced a new TC blog series, Solution Area FAQs. In this series we’re responding to the most commonly asked questions we receive from clients around the work our Solution Areas undertake. Andrea . . .
6 minute read
Andrea Bachinski • 07.21.2022
When speaking to customers about their most pressing challenges, we receive a lot of questions about our Solution Areas. From how we approach the work to questions about specific challenges, these conversations with prospective customers and partners help us better . . .
10 minute read
The Clearing's business consultants Andrea Bachinski and Abbie Beekman both grew up with and worked in the performing arts prior to transitioning into consulting. Their experiences provide a unique perspective when it comes to client engagements. Read on to learn . . .
5 minute read
Colleen O’Neil Phillips • 06.27.2022
Buzzwords Defined: Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Earlier in our Buzzwords Defined blog series, my colleague Sharon Benjamin, Ph.D. wrote about prototyping and The Clearing’s rapid prototyping tool, the Amperian Cycle®. It’s safe to say today’s topic, Minimum Viable Product (MVP . . .
Customer Experience
4 minute read
Tim Rund • 06.10.2022
If you think you’ve been reading a lot about Shared Services lately, you’re right. Not only is it a topic near and dear to my heart, it’s an area with a lot of momentum behind it in the federal space . . .
Customer Experience
4 minute read
Tim Rund • 06.05.2022
I had the privilege of attending the Shared Services & Outsourcing Network’s 26th annual Shared Services & Outsourcing Week in Orlando, FL. Shared services remain a hot topic among federal government leaders and there was no shortage of interesting discussions. . . .
Customer Experience
6 minute read
Tara Carcillo • 05.13.2022
This thought leadership post is focused on the importance of leadership alignment, so you may be surprised by my next statement. Leadership alignment is a highly unnatural act – and it’s almost always a temporary state. Achieving it – even . . .
4 minute read
Tim Rund • 04.25.2022
I’ve previously shared that Shared Services have become a focal point for government leaders tasked with improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their organizations. As part of this move toward shared resourcing, the Office of Management & Budget has introduced . . .
Customer Experience
6 minute read
Sharon Benjamin PhD • 04.20.2022
FEVS. A four-letter for some, depending on the results. But what are they? Where did they come from? How should federal leaders prepare for their release? And what bigger picture issues may be in play? What are FEVS? FEVS stands . . .
Culture Customer Experience
7 minute read
John Miller • 04.13.2022
When Chris McGoff and I founded The Clearing more than a decade ago, we were asked one question more than any other: “What is a clearing?” And even though we’ve answered it countless times, I believe there’s still value in . . .
6 minute read
Jason Miller • 03.01.2022
In 2006, Peter Drucker wrote that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Why does it even matter? Culture is the heartbeat of your organization. Culture is values and beliefs in action and is a business and mission imperative. It influences, guides, . . .
6 minute read
Sonya Patel • 01.28.2022
The Clearing has focused on meeting the needs of modern leaders since day one. Our founders envisioned a metaphorical clearing as a place where busy leaders could escape distractions and the demands on their time to think critically and clearly . . .
7 minute read
Lindsey Ryan • 12.21.2021
What is Human-Centered Design? Let’s level set. Before we dive into why Human-Centered Design (HCD) is the future of work at federal agencies, we need to define it. Fortunately, my colleague Robyn wrote an entire post doing just that. To . . .
Customer Experience Culture
6 minute read
Sonya Patel • 12.17.2021
Federal leaders today have more customers than ever and more channels through which to reach them. Most recently, the President even highlighted this challenge with the new Executive Order seeking to transform the government’s federal customer experience. The ever-increasing access . . .
Leadership Customer Experience Strategy
7 minute read
Yasmeen Burns • 12.16.2021
An intense focus on the customer and their experience is not a new priority for most private sector organizations. Just look at Amazon; and while it hasn’t always been that way for the federal government, that’s beginning to change – . . .
Customer Experience
5 minute read
Robyn Klem • 12.10.2021
I recently wrote a blog post in our “Buzzwords Defined” series covering Human-Centered Design. While today’s topic, visual consulting, isn’t what I’d consider a buzzword, it is something we consider a differentiator at The Clearing. It’s also the practice I . . .
Culture Customer Experience Leadership Strategy
5 minute read
Sonya Patel • 12.03.2021
How The Clearing Defines Strategy Strategy work in the federal space requires a high degree of alignment between key organizational leaders due to the continually changing landscape of federal agencies. Many times what people describe as “strategy work” is actually . . .
4 minute read
Tara Carcillo • 11.19.2021
Two years ago, we made a shift at The Clearing. We realized trying to fit our service offerings into defined boxes was becoming increasingly difficult. To no one’s surprise, that’s because the problems we were helping our clients solve didn’t . . .
Culture Customer Experience Leadership Strategy
3 minute read
Tim Rund • 11.19.2021
I recently had the pleasure of attending ACT-IAC’s ELC21 conference. It was fascinating to hear what federal government leaders are focused on as we head into 2022. Here are my top three takeaways and what I’ll be keeping in mind . . .
Culture Customer Experience
8 minute read
Paige Douglass • 11.02.2021
What Brought You to The Clearing? At the time I was looking for something different, a place where I felt true purpose, belonging, and personal growth in the work. I learned that John Miller and Chris McGoff were building just . . .
5 minute read
Theresa West • 09.24.2021
As my colleague Cara Valentino recently shared, employees are having many feelings when it comes to physically going back to the office. As The Clearing’s Talent & Delivery Excellence lead, I’m partnering with our HR team to ensure our employees . . .